#100DaysOfCommits is a community project that's partnering with local coding meetups. We want to encourage people to get involved in Open Source and to start their own side projects. There's a raffle involved!
Local partners
- Chicago PyLadies | Twitter
- SheNomads | Twitter
- PyData Chicago
- Women Who Code DC | Twitter
- Rails Bridge Chicago | Twitter
- Write/Speak/Code Chicago | Twitter
- Chicago Women Developers | Chicago Women Developers
#100DaysOfCommits starts on August 1st, 2016 and ends November 9th, 2016.
Every day for 100 days, people will post to Twitter and/or Instagram with the hashtag #100DaysOfCommits.
Simply include a screenshot of your commit message and a link to the repo in your Tweet/Instagram post. Anyone can submit any number of commits per day, but the goal here is building good, consistent habits.
Note: For raffle purposes we'll be keeping track of when tweets are posted in Central Time (GMT -5:00).
What do I need to participate?
A github/bitbucket account, an Instagram/Twitter account, and a desire to commit some code!
What counts as a commit?
You've committed and pushed some code to an open source repository that is not work related. Of course, you're on the honor system for that, but this is about getting out and doing your own thing.
The github contribution graph only counts commits that have been merged into master on a project you contribute to. We're not that stringent. We just want a screenshot of your commit message and a link to the repo you're working on. You can commit to a fork, a branch, whatever works as long as you're creating something! :)
What's this about a raffle?
As an incentive to get people involved, we'll be raffling off books donated to Chicago PyLadies from O'Reilly (THANK YOU O'REILLY!!!!)
We'll be doing three raffles.
Raffle rules
- You're eligible for one raffle "ticket" for every day you commit you share on the hashtag in a given
- You can share multiple posts in a day if you like, but you'll only get one "ticket" per day you commit
- From 2016/8/1 to 2016/9/3 we'll be raffling off Think Python
- From 2016/9/4 to 2016/10/7 we'll be raffling off Thoughtful Machine Learning
- From 2016/10/8 to 2016/9/9 we'll be raffling off Think Stats
- You must be willing to communicate with the Chicago PyLadies organizers via email about your shipping information to be eligible for the raffle. If your name comes up we'll "reserve" your raffle prize for seven days. If we haven’t gotten your information by the end of your reservation we will draw a new name.
Is this project specific to any particular programming language?
No! We think that you should just start getting involved in open source and creating your own projects. We want to see you getting out there and contributing to the community!
This project is sponsored by several women in code organizations. Do I have to be a woman to participate?
No! We want people of all genders to participate, but people who identify as women or non-binary tend to contribute to open source less. We're using our platform to try to get more women involved. However, we'd love to see commits by people who identify as men as well.
Does this project have a code of conduct?
Contributions to this repo and any repos in the 100DaysOfCommits organization are governed by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. Meetups and check-ins are goverened by the code of conduct provided by the host organization. For example, all Chicago PyLadies meetups follow the PyLadies Code of Conduct.
I don't think I can participate for 100 straight days
That's fine. If you're contributing anything at all between 2016/8/1 and 2016/11/9 we'd love to see you jump on the hashtag and share what you're doing. In fact, if you do, you'll be entered into a raffle for an O'Reilly book!
If you're interested in the project but think you won't be able to participate fully, consider jumping in on the hashtag and encouraging your friends. We're all about community building and encouragement. Let's help each other write more, better code!
I can't participate this year. Will you be doing more?
Maybe. We'd love to, but it's a matter of bandwidth. We're more likely to run future projects like this if we see community interest this time around. If you can’t participate, support your friends who can!
Meetup Groups?
We’d like to do informal check ins in Chicago at coffee shops or other community spaces every two weeks to help keep people motivated to write more code! If you’re in a different city and would like to do the same, let us know and we’ll help promote your meet up!
We'll post information about future meetup events here as they are announced.
I want to participate but I don’t have an idea for a project!
We have a running list of project ideas and resources here!
What about repos that use bitbucket, gitlab, bazaar, etc.?
Non-github projects are definitely welcome. Just take a screenshot and link to the repo if it's public for your daily commit. Our maintainers are less familiar with these ecosystems, but we'll put some getting started resources up soon.
What if I run into an issue with a repo-maintainer?
Alison has volunteered to be an advocate for anyone participating in #100DaysofCommits if they run into challenges with a repository maintainer. If you have an issue you can email her at commitadvocate -at- bankofknowledge.net and she will work to get back to your email within 24 hours.
I have questions!
Cool! Direct them to our twitter account: @100Commits.