If you're participating in #100DaysOfCommits, add your information here!
Add an item to the unordered list with your preferred name, twitter handle, github, and a list of any projects you plan to contribute to.
Please separate fields using vertical pipes.
Feel free to update this page with new project information. We'd love for you to keep us up to date on what participants are working on!
- Name | Twitter | Github | Projects
- Lindsay | @authoressence | lindsaycarbonell
- Jess | @JLUnrein | thejessleigh | [Test Driven Python, Typeshed, LightOutChicago]
- Lorena | @loooorenanicole | lorenanicole | [PyLadies CPython Developer Guide, Typeshed, NLP Study Group]
- Sviatoslav | @webknjaz | webknjaz | [CherryPy HTTP framework, GDG Ukraine repos]
- Kathryne | @HerstoryChannel | kathrynemary | [Midwest Access Coalition App]
- Kara | @KaraAJC | KaraAJC | [Nail-Game App, IfMe, FreeCodeCamp, Tea With Strangers App]
- Emily | @elstamey | elstamey | [Bootstrapping Legacy] | [Callback Women] | [Girl Develop It PHP Curriculum]
- Alison | @Alison985 | Alison985 | [awesome-men, 100 Days of Commit Website, NLP Study Group]
- Ben | @benrodriguez_9 | benrodriguez9 |
- Irina | @_sciwoman | irinarenteria | [Ruby NLP tokenizer]
- Montensia| @_codingMaat | Monty7 | [shenomads] Katrina | @katdurance | kdurance
- Smitha | @SmithaShivakuma | SmithaShivakumar | [Test Driven Python, Typeshed]
- Alyssa | @alycit | alycit | [Chicago Crime Report]
- Ruthie | @TheOnlyRuthie | princessruthie | [An Ongoing Android Project]
- Nicolette | @nicolette3883 | nchambe2 | [ifme, Red Cross: Smoke Alarm Portal]
- Cora | @CorainChicago | CorainChicago | [Midwest Access Coalition App]
- Jacque | @jnschrag | jnschrag | [Digital Bullet Journal]
- Janet | @lolatu2 | yahwes | [Web Scraper, Diagnostic Plots]
- Nicole | @NicoleADonnelly | nd1 | [Restaurant Violation Forecasting]
- Lougenia | @lougeniaC64 | RethinkDB To Do List
- Sarah | @geekygirlsarah | [ Piecewise, Code Thesaurus, GDI JavaScript Class ]